Installation harnesses

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Shorten tracking device installation and reduce faulty installations with installation harnesses.

5 types of harnesses will make tracking device installation faster, easier, and more professional.
Installation harnesses are easy to use – simply plug one end to the tracker and the other to the connector in the vehicle.

Harnesses Types

5 harness types are designed for the most popular GPS tracker installation scenarios.

Before ordering see harness compatibility and modifications tables below.

  • FMS harness is used to install HCV5 GPS trackers into the trucks.
  • An additional connector for K-Line is provided in case the user would like to use K-Line with the Tacho harness.
  • Available CANbus data reading.
  • FMS harness connects via FMS connector.
  • Tacho harness helps to connect the GPS tracker to the truck’s tachograph unit faster and easier.
  • Supported tachograph versions:
    – Siemens VDO (version 1.3 A or higher) and
    – Stoneridge (version 7.0 or higher)
  • Power harness is used to install FM-Eco4 light T and FM-Eco4 RS T series GPS trackers.
  • CANbus and tachograph data is not available using the Power harness.
  • Connects via fuse box for increased safety.
  • OBDII harness is used to install HCV5 and LCV5 GPS trackers to the light commercial vehicle.
  • OBDII splitter harness is used to install advanced trackers to passenger vehicles, light commercial vehicles, vans, pickup trucks, and other vehicles with an OBDII socket.
  • Using these harnesses CANbus data reading is available.
  • Connection via OBD can be used also as a power source.
  • Connects via OBD connector.
  • The 4th to 5th generation harness is used to replace FM-Pro4, FM-Tco4 HCV, and FM-Tco4 LCV tracking devices with Pro5, HCV5, and LCV5 5th generation GPS trackers without any re-wiring.
  • Open wires are available for single-wire CAN, 1-Wire power, Analog inputs 3-4, and Digital output 3-4.
  • Connect harness to the previously used wires and the new 5th generation GPS tracker.

Installation Tutorials

Watch installation tutorial videos and learn how to install tracking devices using installation harnesses.

* Before installation GPS tracker must be configured and with a SIM card.


Installation harnesses are available for all Ruptela GPS trackers (except FM-Plug4 and Eco4 E RS T). See below detailed harnesses modifications and compatibility tables.

FMS harness modifications:

  • FMS harness with accessory wires (4 m)
  • FMS harness with accessory wires (0.5 m)

*Tachograph data via FMS harness is available only for HCV5 GPS tracker

Tacho harness modifications:

  • Tacho harness with accessory wires (4m)
  • Tacho harness with accessory wires (1.5m)

*Compatible only with HCV5 GPS tracker

OBDII harness modifications:

  • OBDII standard harness (1m)
  • OBDII splitter harness (0.75m)
  • OBDII PSA harness (1m)*

*Is used to install GPS trackers into Peugeot and Citroen vehicles.

Power harnesses modifications:

  • Power harness Eco4light Fuse Tap ATO (1m)
  • Power harness Eco4light Fuse Tap MINI (1m)

ATO and MINI are fuse types. Before ordering, please check what fuse types are in your vehicle.

Provisioning harness modifications:

  • 4th Generation to 5th Generation harness (0.5m)


FMS installation harness

FMS Harness

OBD2 installation harness

OBDII Harness

Tacho installation harness

Tacho Harness

Power installation harness

Power Harness

4 to 5th gen harness to web

4th to 5th Generation Harness

Compatibility Matrix

Harnesses compatibility table 3

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