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Meet Dovydas, Head of LT sales – my team call each other friends, not colleagues

What is your story of joining Ruptela?

It all started when I was shown a video about Ruptela internal culture online while I was still a young student. It sparked an idea in my mind – it may be my dream company because what I saw in the video resonated with my opinion of a great workplace. Six months after, I needed to find a place to work on my practical skills. Ruptela wasn’t looking for a trainee at the time, but it didn’t stop me from trying. One call and two meetings later, I became a trainee in the LT sales department and after my Bachelor theses were done, I became a full-time Sales manager.

When was a moment you knew you’d made the right decision to work with us?

I have two groundbreaking moments in my mind. Starting the first days behind my sales managers’ table, I became very interested in the product I’m selling. I put lots of time into the understanding of our SW and HW products. It made me want to go to work every morning and Mondays were never dull ever since.
The second moment was when I got a promotion as a Senior Sales Manager. It was a confirmation that not only Ruptela is bringing value to my side, but vice versa.

What does it mean to you to work for a company founded by a Lithuanian?

I am proud of every Lithuanian who manages to shine worldwide. Andrius, our CEO, created Ruptela and step by step it has presence in 127 countries already. I am very proud of it and the way we work, so every time somebody asks me about Ruptela, I never forget to mention how international we are.

What skill do you want to master until 2025?

Continuous growing – this is what I follow every day. When I try to imagine myself in 5 years, I want to be able to call myself a change management professional because this topic is the most interesting for me today.

What would you say about our internal culture?

Many companies say that they have a friendly climate inside. I think it is not enough to say it as a statement but show it with actions. Example? Having teambuilding. Abroad. All LT sales team. IT was a trip with many benefits – we became much closer, visited Ukraine and enjoyed that weekend as a group of friends, not just colleagues.